Friday, May 20, 2011

Photos by Rori :)

For those of you not on facebook I thought I should show you the professional photos we got done a few weeks ago, they are magic, we just love them so much!!!  Rori Dellinger was the photographer, a very sweet local lady here in Virginia Beach.  This is just a few and I have used those that Rori decreased in size (the originals are huge!!)  If anyone wants a copy of the originals to print some in better quality please let me know and I can organise it :)

I think Charlotte stole the show (as usual!!), she is one very pretty little girl, and she loves to pose, "CHEESE" :) 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

I can't believe it's May!!

It's been almost a month since I blogged, and time has flown.  We have been pretty busy with Bree visiting for a week, and few trips to DC, Easter, Mothers Day and lots of other things, so I will attempt to get you all up to date :)  I think I might do it via photos.......

Charlotte had an Easter Egg hunt at her friend Matilda's house on Easter Saturday, we picked Bree up from the airport late Good Friday, she was a little tired :)

This is Charlotte and Matilda, relaxing after a hard day hunting for eggs!!

Easter morning at home, the Easter bunny dropped a few eggs on his way out so Charlotte and Victoria went searching in the yard.

Charlotte showing off what she found :)

I think Bree was trying to distract Charlotte here to steal some of her eggs :)

Our first Baseball game, Easter Sunday, Norfolk Tides v Durham Bulls, it was pretty hot and we (Norfolk) won 6-5.  I was confused most of the game, but it was still fun.

Victoria on the way home from the game.

We took a trip to Washington DC when Bree was staying with us, we really like the place and there is so much to see.  This time around I got to see a bit more of the "night life" when Bree and I went for a walk to get dinner, I never knew realised many homeless people there are in DC :(

Charlotte and I in DC!!

Victoria got to see her future home for the 1st time!!! 

We went to the American History Museum, some amazing things to see there including the 'Star Spangled Banner', (sorry there was no photography allowed).Bree and I also loved Julia Child's Kitchen and the First Ladies dresses :)

My Mothers Day present, we have not yet tried it out as Victoria has been sick and not up to it just yet.  For those of you wondering what the hell is it, it's a bike trailer for my push bike so I can take the girls for a ride and get a really good workout!!  I am so glad there are not many hills in Virginia Beach :)

Last Thursday we went back to DC for a dinner at the Embassy, Katie our lovely friend came with us to look after the girls, so Jayden came too!!  I love this photo, it looks like he is pulling down her shirt to show a bit of skin :)  They are so cute together, I can't believe how quickly they are growing!! 

And lastly a quick shot of Ted and I all dressed up for our night at the Embassy, felt really weird going out without the girls, it's been a while :) We had a great night!!

Hope everyone back home is well :)